
To the Editor: November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

I am writing to ask a favor of your readers that could help save millions of lives.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Despite being the #1 cancer killer of men and women in the United States, awareness about lung cancer remains critically low, meaning people don’t bring it up with their doctors, understand screening procedures or recognize potential symptoms. That lack of awareness has a profound effect on the tens of thousands of Massachusetts residents and nearly a quarter of a million Americans who will be diagnosed with lung cancer this year, many of whom are non-smokers with no history of lung disease.

The American Lung Association’s LUNG FORCE movement has launched a campaign urging you to #ShareYourVoice about how lung cancer has impacted lives – either through personal diagnoses or that of  loved ones. This collection of personal stories will illustrate the impact that lung cancer has on our country, giving us the power to ignite change on a national scale and for individual families.

Your stories will help us turn the tide on lung cancer. In fact, when lung cancer is caught before it spreads, the likelihood of survival more than triples. By talking more about lung cancer, you can help make Americans aware of the facts, empowering them to speak to their doctors, get screened, and change this devastating reality.  If you or someone you love has suffered from lung cancer, please consider joining us at lungforce.org and sharing your story.  Your voice will help save lives.


Jeff Seyler

President and CEO, American Lung Association of the Northeast

Resident of the State of Massachusetts

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