
To the Editor

At the last City Council meeting I brought out a story in Pulseline regarding a disagreement over an issue.  We all have different opinions and self-interests that determine where we stand, and that is good.  America’s diversity encourages that.  But, then the writer accused Councilor at Large Cindy Harris of using it for personal gain in a very demeaning way and cast aspersions on her character.  I take it that the writer does not know Cindy Harris.  I do not know her personally, but as Ward 3 Councilor I sat next to her for a year.  We disagreed on issues.  We talked about why.  For her it was all about keeping her word to those who voted for her.   And, while we disagreed it was never negative.  She, we, showed mutual respect and consideration to each other.  I know that Councilor Harris is a person of integrity, and sincerely believes in what she is doing.  Her intelligence motivates her to go to city hall and seek out the facts.  She is a very caring person for this city and its people.  What galls me most is to use a poison pen without including your name.  OK hide behind the fact that you don’t have to.  I have almost always added my name to Pulse line articles if it regards an issue.  And, as needed, to any editorials.  Do I know that some of my editorials will raise the ire in other, yes, of course.   It is the old adage: if you can’t say something nice, then at least have the courage to put down your name.  

Another issue for me is the talk re: the budget.  Unlike as so many in the general public, the Council does not have credit cards, mortgages and loans to manage debt.  But, are stuck with the archaic practices of taxes.  However when new ideas arise to do things differently we do not want to allow that either.  So until the public is willing to try alternatives ways and means to generate revenue we are stuck with taxes.  And as we all know costs do not come down.  And, the private sector is a for-profit, it is not in the business of giving a break to the tax payer. (not a criticism, but a fact of life)  And, in that too many have lost the ability to think in terms of our American Exceptionalism, we have boxed ourselves in. 

A factor in this budget problem is that our schools need to make up for nearly $3 million dollars in cuts, and that is not good for Westfield, or our students.  Because of some who want to “save the taxpayers money” by doing everything possible to stop the Cross St. school project the tax payers will have spent $3 million plus tax dollars in money already spent, litigation, and loss of state funds.  As well, while we all dislike how the State does things, never the less it does put us to the back of the line for any new projects as they have plenty of communities already in line who are willing to do their bit for better 21st century schools.  As well, with the new Federal Admin., the promise to end the Dept. of Education so as to not impose their money on us and to provide for tax cuts; guess what there may be little to no money from the Fed to the states for quite some time.  This along with the plans to eliminate other departments there are a lot of priority things that will also lose funding unless we increase state or local taxes.  You can’t have your tax cuts and your funding too!  The old Conservative line is: if you want it pay for it or do without.  Again a reality of politics not a criticism.  Thank you for your attention, (signed) Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose…[email protected]

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