
Voters to weigh-in at Southwick TM

SOUTHWICK – Residents will have the opportunity to vote on several major issues at the Oct. 10 Town Meeting.
The meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional High School. Town Clerk Michelle Hill said residents must be already registered to vote in order to vote next week, and must give their full name and address when checking in.
“If there is anything questionable, they may need to show an ID,” she said.
Hill encouraged all residents to attend, and said those who cannot vote will sit in a designated section.
The warrant consists of 12 articles, including the acceptance of Whalley Park.
The 70-acre park, which includes 35 acres of recreational fields and 35 acres of woods and wetlands, could be turned over to the town if voters approve using just over $1 million in already existing Community Preservation funds to finish the park, which was donated by John and Kathy Whalley for use by the town and Recreation Center.
Before the vote, town officials have been working with the Whalleys to nail down details, such as maintenance costs and potential revenue.
Another article is  for an appropriation of $540,000 for the acquisition of a parcel of land of consisting of approximately 135 +/- acres owned by Seth Kellogg for passive recreation and conservation use, and one for new sign bylaws.
Other articles include one for an appropriation of $1.2 million to pay costs of constructing a new water tank, one to see if the town will vote to transfer from water retained earnings the sum of $64,500 for the purpose of designing and implementing a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) for the water system components, and one to authorize borrowing and a grant acceptance for a parallel sewer interceptor pipe that would allow the town to honor its obligations to the City of Westfield and begin Phase II of the sewer project.
The full warrant, along with explanations of each article, is available on the town web site.
Board of Selectmen Chairman Arthur Pinell can also be seen on Southwick’s cable channel 15 beginning today with an overview and brief explanations of the warrant articles.
Pinell taped the segment with Channel 15 executive Director Art Boissonnault late last week.
“I’m just about done editing it and it will be running four times daily through Oct. 10,” said Boissonnault.
The segment will air at 10 a.m., noon, 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. daily.

To read a more detailed explanation of the STM October 10, 2012 Warrant, click here.

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