Around Town

Young singers sought for YSGW; board members needed

WESTFIELD-A virtual spring semester starts Feb. 25 for the Young Singers of Greater Westfield and students in grades 5-8 are welcome to join.

The mission of the choir is to promote the choral art and enrich the lives of area youths by instilling a lifelong love of music through performance and education, according to artistic director Kerry Cipoletta.

The group brings together students to rehearse weekly to develop vocal skills, musical literacy, and a “beautiful choral sound.”

“We had a successful virtual winter concert in December,” said Cipoletta.

Students are welcome to join the Young Singers of Greater Westfield – as well as adults to serve as board members. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

The YouTube link to view the concert is at

“At this time, we are planning for a virtual concert in June,” she said, adding, “We are always looking to add new singers.”

Cipoletta noted that while the singers are in grades 5-8, “We are happy to take on a bit younger and a bit older this year because so many students have lost the opportunity to sing in choir due to the pandemic.”

Some of the “benefits” of joining the group includes experiencing an eclectic mix of exciting repertoire, enhancing one’s musical knowledge and skills, singing and having fun with other talented students, building a sense of community, and providing an outlet for self-expression.

This photo was taken of the Young Singers of Greater Westfield prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

In addition to singers being sought for the group, Cipoletta is also seeking adults who are passionate about music to join its board of directors.

“We are also always open to adding new and enthusiastic board members to our organization,” she said.

For anyone who is interested in joining the board or signing up a singer for the spring semester, they can reach Cipoletta by sending an email to [email protected]. 

For more details on the group, visit

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