Nine seniors accompany their head coach in representing the Westfield YMCA’s Wave swim team’s upperclassmen. Pictured (back row) from left to right are: Mike Giancola, John Dolan, Jimmy Stinehart, Roberto Morales, and head coach Jamie Bloom. Front row, from left to right are: Mackenzie Gendron, Erin Lewis, Shaylyn Jurczyk, Ali Johnstone and Hope Walsh. (Submitted photo)
WESTFIELD – The Westfield YMCA Wave swim team swam their way to a second-place finish in the YMCA League Championships at Smith College on January 25 and 26. The Wave joined teams from the Holyoke YMCA, Hampshire Regional YMCA, Hi- Rock YMCA, Tri-Y Swim Club, Kyd Swim Team, Pittsfield YMCA and Northern Berkshire YMCA for two days of competitive swimming. Wave swimmers walked away not only with soggy towels and goggle rings around their eyes, but many personal bests, qualifying times and even some team records.
Saturday’s session featured the 12-and-under swimmers, with personal bests from Mason Berube, Cole Bissaillon, Dan Burnett, Taanvi Cyanam, Frankie Dolby, Amber Garfield, Erin Jachym, Lindsay Kenney, Nathan Kunsman, Emily Mihalek, Ryan Morash, Dominic Navarrete, Jaden Noel, Lauren Nubile, Kathryn O’Connor, Emilie Pease, Alexa Richter, Ally Russell, Tommy Russell, Chloe Schumacher, Sabrina Serricchio, Ashish Sharma, Jake Voudren, Brennan Whalen, and Conner Whalen.
Eight-year-old Cole Bissaillon set a new record in the 50 free with a speedy time of 33.68.
Sunday morning began with a brief ceremony honoring seniors from each team. Westfield’s coach of nine years, Jamie Bloom, congratulated the graduating class of nine young men and women.
“They are a group of young people that we recognize and rely on to be great teammates, leaders and role models, as they represent themselves, their families, our team, and our Y,” Bloom said. “They have accepted this responsibility and have very successfully navigated the challenges that come with such great expectations.”
Westfield’s seniors include Shaylyn Jurczyk, Roberto Morales, Ali Johnstone, Mike Giancola, Mackenzie Gendron, Jimmy Stinehart, Erin Lewis, John Dolan, and Hope Walsh.
“Each of them will leave here at the end of the summer and head off to college,” Bloom said. “Most will swim and continue to have great success in the pool, but they will all be very successful as students, and ultimately as professionals, in whatever path they choose to follow. I know this because they are swimmers and they have developed the skills and the perseverance that are necessary to make it in our world. I am very proud of this group and I will really miss them when they leave.”
Sunday’s 12-18-year-old swimmers also finished up with many personal bests. Among them were Kathleen Bissaillon, Alexis Bradley, Gabe Centeno, Rachel Charette, Sam Cloutier, Elizabeth Dion, John Dolan, Samantha Dolan, Lizzie Fraser, Emily Gelinas, Annie Goyette, Lauren Kenney, Justin Lemieux, Brandon Louison , Patrick Lurgio, Roberto Morales, Andrew Robitaille, Madi Robitaille, Nick Rosso, Sara Russell, Madison Stinehart, Anna Temchenko, and Emma Wilber.
Wave swimmers have another chance to secure a spot in the New Englands at MIT in their last regular season home meet on February 23. Swimmers who have already qualified for that weekend of competition are Cole Bissaillon, Erin Jachym, Ryan Morash, Dominic Navarete, Emilie Pease, Alexa Richter, Tommy Russell, John Dolan, Kenzie Gendron, Kelsey Johnstone, Erin Lewis, Lauren Longley, Brandon Louison, Nick Rosso, Jimmy Stinehart, Hope Walsh, Emma Whitney and Maeve Wilber.
The winter season finishes up in April with YMCA Nationals in Greensboro, NC. So far, Hope Walsh and Jimmy Stinehart have qualifield for this elite competition.
The summer season starts up on Monday, April 28 and will run through July.
“Our program emphasizes the development of life skills and character as well as swimming techniques, training, expertise and competitive success,” Bloom said. “YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility are a focus of the team and we believe that excellence in swimming is a pathway to excellence in life.”
For those who may be interested in becoming a part of this successful team, the Y offers a free 2-week trial period at the beginning of each season. For more information, please contact head coach Jamie Bloom at [email protected] or call the YMCA at 568-8631.
RIDE THE WAVE: Have you ever wanted to test yourself physically and mentally in a triathlon? Help support the Wave and compete individually or as part of a team into this sprint or super sprint triathlon supported by the Cyclonaut Multisport team. Join the Wave on Sunday, June 8 at Hampton Ponds State Park for a day of fun and friendly competition. Visit Wavetriathlon.com to find out how you can compete or become a sponsor. – Courtesy of Westfield YMCA