Westfield District Court
Friday, Nov. 2, 2012
Michael R. Duncan, 19, of 147 Fred Jackson Road, Southwick, saw a charge of assault and battery brought by a Southwick resident not prosecuted.
Rolando Santana, 26, of 8 Elcon Drive, Chicopee, was released on his personal recognizance pending a Jan. 4, 2013, hearing after he was arraigned on charges of malicious damage to a motor vehicle and threatening to commit a crime brought by Southwick police.
Matthew J. Maynard, 22, of 91 Glenwood Drive, submitted to facts sufficient to warrant a guilty finding for a charge of operating under the influence of liquor brought by Westfield police and the charge was continued without a finding with probation for one year. He was assessed $600, ordered to complete a Drug Alcohol Education Program at a cost of $567.22 and his license was suspended for 45 days. A charge of negligent operation of a motor vehicle was not prosecuted and he was found to be not responsible for a motor vehicle lights violation.
Nathan M. Bagley, 29, of 96 City View Road, was released on $2,000 personal surety pending Nov. 30 hearings after he was arraigned on two cases brought by Westfield police. In each case, Bagley was charged with receiving stolen property valued more than $250 and conspiracy.
Luis M. Santiago, 23, of 46 Savoy Ave., Springfield, was enjoined from making any threats or violence toward the victim when he submitted to facts sufficient to warrant a guilty finding for a charge of malicious damage to a motor vehicle brought by Westfield police and the charge was continued without a finding with probation for six months. He was assessed $50.
Inga Karcha, 17, of 38 Prospect St., West Springfield, submitted to facts sufficient to warrant a guilty finding for charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault and battery on a police officer brought by Westfield police and the charges were continued without a finding with probation for three months. She was assessed $50.