Joseph Adamczyk with his Eagle Scout Coach Heidi Trottier. (PHOTO SUBMITTED)
WESTFIELD — Two city residents will be honored this month with the rank of Eagle Scout.
Joseph L. Adamczyk and Camden D’Andrea, both of Boy Scout Troop 821, will be pinned during an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony Sept. 25.
Adamczyk, a 2020 graduate of Westfield High School, is the son of Kim and Jay Adamczyk and brother of twin sister Madison. For Adamczyk, becoming an Eagle Scout has been in the works since he joined the Southampton Road School troop in second grade.
“I had a few influential people in my life who believed in me, and my ability to complete this accomplishment,” he said.
To attain the Eagle Scout honor, a boy scout must take on a project that benefits the community. Adamczyk’s project was at the Westfield Athenaeum.
“They were working hard to improve the building, and I felt my project could help them with their task. I repainted part of the basement, and put new ceiling tiles in the area we painted,” he said.
Adamczyk said he could not have completed the project without support.
“My project coach was Heidi Trottier. Mr. Muldrew was the troop leader at the time. Heidi has supported me through my time in the scouts. Many members in the troop supported me, as well as family and friends,” he said, adding “My parents we’re there for me every step of the way.”
Since graduating, Adamczyk completed a year at HCC in the environmental science program and is currently working at Providence Ministries as a full-time resident advocate.
Adamczyk said the pandemic did not put a hold on his project.
“Covid did not affect my project,” he said, “my board review was March 11, 2020. They were just starting to shut everything down at that time.”
Adamczyk said he feels accomplished.
“I am extremely proud for sticking to it, and not giving up,” he said, adding “I received support from many along this journey. Without this, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.”

Camden D’Andrea weeds the Westfield Intermediate School courtyard for his Eagle Scout project. (PHOTO SUBMITTED)
D’Andrea, son of Gary and Cindy and brother of Evan and Nolan, is a Westfield High School senior.
D’Andrea chose to spruce up the Westfield Intermediate School courtyard for his Eagle Scout project.
“We added benches, took out trees and weeds, planted flowers — the whole nine yards to restore it to its former glory,” said D’Andrea. “A large part of the troop, several friends, and lots of family helped with man-hours, not to mention the donations from organizations and individuals alike. I calculated over 400 hours across everyone who pitched in, and if I remember correctly, over $1,000 was raised. I can’t thank them all enough!”
D’Andrea said he was able to complete his project prior to the COVID-19 shutdown.
Becoming an Eagle Scout is an accomplishment D’Andrea speaks about with pride:
“I am proud of myself, it felt good to see all the parts come together, over a decade of work all come together and it makes me happy,” he said.
D’Andrea joined Cub Scouts, then became a Tiger. Becoming an Eagle Scout was important to him because he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and “make him proud.” He plans to pursue studies in technology and computer science after graduation and continue his love of scouting as an assistant scout master or by helping scouts with projects.
The Eagle Court of Honor ceremony is Sept. 25 at Conant Park Pavilion in Southampton.