WESTFIELD – A city woman is tired of hearing about her husband’s indiscretion and has complained to police about letters she has received informing her about his affair with another woman.
The complainant came to the police station Friday and reported that, for about the past year, she has been receiving letters roughly every month telling her that her husband has been involved with another woman.
Officer Sean Smith reports that the woman said that she was first informed of the affair about a year ago when she received a phone call from what sounded to be a young woman who told her that her husband was engaged in the extra-marital liaison.
Since then, she said, she has received letters repeating the assertion about once a month, many of then signed by “A Friend.”
The complainant said that the letters are not threatening or abusive but she has had enough of them and wants them to stop coming.
A detective was assigned to attempt to determine the source of the letters.