To the Editor,
In the city election this fall, I am asking for your vote for one of the three seats (4-year term) on the Westfield School Committee. As a member of the School Committee I’ll listen to your concerns and ideas that will shape the future of our children. The most important job in the world is being a parent. The second most important job is the responsibility we have as active citizens. I am a proud uncle of a wonderful niece and several cousins in the Westfield Public Schools, a godfather, a lifelong resident, a graduate of Westfield High School 1986, and a career professional. In my work as an educator and counselor I help families and children with disabilities on a daily basis. I connect with people and understand the challenges facing our youth. In addition, I see the challenges facing teachers and schools, all deserving our support and respect.
Public education has been a major part of my career. I started working with children with disabilities in 1978, at Kamp for Kids. I have the experience, dedication, interest, and desire to serve on the School Committee. Before I became a teacher I worked in retail sales for ten years, where I learned about the business and global economic markets. My family were business owners in Westfield from 1967-1972 and I quickly learned early responsibility, a deep sense of values, and the highest of expectations. As a former Springfield teacher and adjunct faculty member at Westfield State University, I offer real world experience on the front lines of American education. Some issues facing Westfield schools in the next four years are; city-wide redistricting plans of students, construction and potential building of a new elementary school, review of administrative school services, a reform and revision of the city tax system and school budget, long-term planning of the school district improvement plan, upgrading and continued planning for an addition to the high school. I will advocate for full review on the expense side of the budget, continue the go-green improvement program, aspire more progress towards utility building improvements and efficiency. I will continue to be a strong leader in early education programs, continue support for the arts, and seek more opportunities in health/fitness programs for our school community.
We have an opportunity to navigate the Westfield Public Schools towards the greatness it has known. We must and we will get beyond the difficult economic times, respect reality, and embrace the entire community around the education of our youth. We need people on board that can be well versed on the issues and historical data of the city. I have the experience, dedication, education, and motivation to advance our schools and lead the district towards successful results. I respectfully ask for your vote on November 5, 2019 and I look forward to hearing your concerns. Keep fighting!
Thank you,
Jeffrey L. Gosselin, M.Ed., C.A.G.S.