
Letter: Hoose is happy with candidates

To the Editor,

Hello Westfield, especially, Ward 3; I am happy and I am thrilled that I got Saturdays paper.  As many of you know I have deep concerns about what has been happening in Westfield government.  BUT, right there on the front page, hope bloomed eternal…Rick Sullivan, Jimmy Adams, and Matt VanHeynigen ARE BACK!!!!   These candidates along with Cindy Harris; whose intel and responsible approach to problem solving; that even when we disagreed there was mutual respect and a cause for public responsibility.  Brent, and I like to clash BUT, I have the greatest respect the good work that he does.  And, added HAPPY is that I am seeing new people submitting POSITIVE non-whining editorial some even with their name attached.  Even in the Republican, Westfielders are putting in editorials that finally stand up for the real America.  I kept saying there is hope yet for us.  Mr. Halls keep up the good work…

Not so happy are, the now, 250 mass shooting in the US this year.  As said before it won’t be the anti-gun people that take down the 2nd Amendment, it will be the pro-kill people, and active shooters; if the NRA does not come up with legislation to curtail the killing; someone else will.  It is their issue to protect.  Oh, anger 2: Sunday’s channel 22/NBC’s Chuck Todd, had the last ½ hour cut while discussing this issue so as to run a golf program.  I realize that there are lots of golf fans out there but should the fans of America be the priority when it comes to domestic terrorism?  That reminds me, remember how angry folks got when Human Rights types engaged in civil disobedience?  And, where are the so called Pro Life moralist when it comes to Pro-kill mass murder that kills, and harms the innocent?  Oh is it OK that once born, and you are not one of us it then ok to be killed while at a store, a festival, etc.  Let me share a quote with you from Exodus 22….where Moses addresses how we should treat strangers, and others….

One last comment.  I hear the pro war Hawks talking about a war with Iran.  And, how it might go nuclear; and that me getting out of our treaty with Neo-Soviet Russia, we are making new nukes.  As if the arms race is a good thing….Look at the effect of our 2 nuke bombs dropped on Japan that changed so much.  Think about it: if a cyber and nuclear war, the U.S. could easily lose 50-100 million people?  Our economy would definitely be shot, no pun intended.  Transportation, communications, etc. as well.  The Middle East, Europe and Russia likewise devastated.  China, due to size and distribution, could, along with Asian Russia survive kind of…., but it would South America and Africa that could come off unscathed.  Post war US, will we still be killing each other off?  Or, will just go back to being a bunch of separate little countries?

Your former Ward 3 City Councilor, Brian Hoose, [email protected].

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