SOUTHWICK – The Southwick Board of Selectmen is considering joining a statewide mutual aid program through the Massachusetts Emergency Management Administration (MEMA).
MEMA Chief of Operations Allen Phillips, who is also the mutual aid coordinator, explained the program to the board last night.
“This allows you to send and receive resources with any community that has opted in,” said Phillips.
He said the current mutual aid agreements would still stand and would not be affected by the program.
“And, it does not obligate you to send resources,” he added.
In addition to police, fire and emergency medical services, the new mutual aid laws allow for mutual aid between departments of public works (DPW).
“It’s the mutual aid agreement everybody’s been waiting for,” said Phillips. “There’s no drawback.”
Police Lt. David Ricardi said the police support opting into the agreement.
“We looked at it and it is a win-win situation,” Ricardi said.
Fire Chief Richard Anderson also recommended joining the other 170 communities that have already signed-up.
“We have been in a similar agreement for probably 50 years,” Anderson said.
DPW Director Jeffrey Neece said the DPW agreement is “of interest” to him, especially because that portion of the agreement is a daily aid agreement, not just for emergencies.
Selectman Arthur Pinell asked which town would pay for the use of resources. Phillips said the town dispatching personnel and equipment would cover the cost. He noted there are options in place to prevent towns from abusing the agreement.
“And the law allows for special reimbursement from FEMA,” said Phillips.
Southwick Emergency Management Director Charles Dunlap said he was happy to see such an agreement come forward.
“This has been a long time coming – I am very much in favor of it,” he said.
Pinell said he was not ready to vote last night.
“I think it is s great idea, but I want to understand the administrative aspects of it better,” said Pinell.
The board will take up the measure in a future meeting.