Emergency Response and Crime Report
Monday, July 30, 2012
1:48 a.m.: trespassing, Half Mile Falls Park, North Elm Street, a dispatcher reports persons were seen in the park on security monitors, the responding officer reports the parties were advised of the pertinent city ordinance and left the park without incident;
4:11 a.m.: incapacitated person, Orange Street, a caller reports her intoxicated neighbor is burning material in his yard, the responding officer reports the subject was found with a very small contained fire and was persuaded to extinguish the fire and return inside, the officer reports the subject was very cooperative;
5:30 a.m.: animal complaint, East Mountain Road, a caller reports taking custody of a German shepherd puppy, the responding officer reports the puppy was transported to the station where an animal control officer took custody of the puppy;
10:19 a.m.: larceny, Airport Drive, a caller reports the theft of scrap metal, the responding officer reports the owner of an Airport Drive company said that between 4 p.m. Saturday and Monday morning about ten used compressors with a scrap value of abut $500 were stolen from his company’s yard;
10:29 a.m.: fraud, Dry Bridge Road, a resident came to the station to report that his credit card number was stolen, the responding officer reports the complainant said that someone stole his credit card number and used it to open an account an electronics chain store, the victim said that the suspect ordered merchandise valued at $850 to be picked up at a Pennsylvania branch of the store but store security detained the person who came to get the merchandise and an arrest was made;
11:02 a.m.: larceny, East Silver Street, a resident came to the station to report the theft of his bicycle, the responding officer reports the complainant said that he chained his bike to a post at a Silver Street supermarket and went inside for only a few minutes before returning to find his bicycle valued at $800 had been stolen;
12:09 p.m.: forgery, Phelps Avenue, a resident came to the station to report fraudulent attempts to cash her checks, the responding officer reports the complainant said that her roommate has stolen her checkbook and has attempted to cash checks to which she forged the victim’s name, the victim said that no checks were paid but her account has been frozen, the case was referred to the financial crimes unit of the detective bureau;
12:17 p.m.: identity fraud, Ashley Street, a resident came to the station to complain of identity fraud, the responding officer reports the complainant said that he attempted to open a G&E account and was advised that some other person’s information was associated with his social security number, the man was nonetheless able to open his own account;
3:27 p.m.: harassment, Meadow Street, a resident came to the station to complain of harassment by a neighbor, the responding officer reports the complainant said that a neighbor has been harassing herself and her son blaming them for damage to her vehicle and apartment, the officer advised the woman of the requirements for an harassment protection order;
3:52 p.m.: identity fraud, a resident came to the station to report that her personal information was used to create a utility account, the responding officer reports the woman said that when she attempted to open an account she found that her name and social security number had been used to open an account in 2006 which was closed in 2007, the woman said that she suspects her deceased father opened the account;
5:29 p.m.: larceny, East Main Street, a caller reports a female party stole a tablet from the store, the responding officer reports the store manager said that a short, chunky black woman entered the store with two black men and while the woman spoke with him and blocked his view the two men cut a security cable and stole the tablet valued at about $400, the manager said that he would provide a copy of the store’s security video;
5:51 p.m.: larceny, Church Street, a resident came to the station to report that he came home to find three bicycles had been stolen, the responding officer reports the man said that he left home about 5:30 a.m. and returned about 5:30 p.m. to find three bicycles which had been unsecured in his yard had been stolen, the man said that the collective value of the bikes was about $400;
6:24 p.m.: officer wanted, Briarwood Place, a resident came to the station to report his property was damaged, the responding officer reports the man said that he left home about 6:30 a.m. and when he returned about 4 p.m. he found a bench outside had been destroyed and was on the ground in pieces, the man also said that the doorknob of a garage door was broken and an air conditioner had been removed from a window, the man said that he suspects his son may be responsible as he is estranged from his wife his son is upset by that situation;
11:54 p.m.: vandalism, Elm Street, a caller reports that her vehicle was struck by eggs twice, the responding officer reports the owner of an Elm Street business said that on two occasions Monday eggs were thrown at her personal vehicle, the woman said that she suspects that the vandalism is due to an ongoing business dispute;
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
3:12 a.m.: found property, Southampton Road, a patrol officer reports find a mountain bike on Southampton Road, the bicycle was transported to the station for safe keeping;
1:11 p.m.: accident, Western Avenue, a caller reports a traffic accident involving a police cruiser, see story in the Wednesday edition of The Westfield News;
7:13 p.m.: fire, Arnold Street, firefighters responded to a commercial fire alarm and found smoke from burnt food had triggered the alarm, the residence was ventilated to remove the smoke, the firefighters report that overloaded electrical cords were observed and an exit was found to be blocked leaving only one route for exit in case of emergency, the firefighters report the resident was combative when advised of the deficiencies and police were asked to keep the peace, the fire code violations will be addressed by the fire prevention officer;
11:28 p.m.: disturbance, East Bartlett Street, a caller report he was assaulted by an intoxicated person, the responding officer reports the he became involved in an altercation with a neighbor’s friend about a parking issue and the man twice punched him and also head butted him, the officer spoke with the suspect who said the victim threatened him and he punched and head butted him, the suspect was found to be the subject of an outstanding warrant, Michael D. Hoynoski, 37, of 141 Jasper St., Springfield, was arrested for assault and battery and on the warrant;
Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012
12:15 a.m.: trespassing, Half Mile Falls Park, North Elm Street, a dispatcher reports two persons were seen in the park on security monitors, the responding officer reports the parties were advised of the pertinent city ordinance and left the park without incident;
2:18 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Elm Street, a patrol officer reports a traffic stop and requests a tow;
5:58 a.m.: well being check, Elm Street at Thomas Street, a patrol officer reports he was flagged down by a person who reported an intoxicated man was urinating on a building, the officer reports the man was found and appeared to be intoxicated, the man agreed that he was drunk and said that there was nobody who would care for him, the man was placed in protective custody;
8:25 a.m.: larceny, Franklin Street, a caller from a gas station and convenience store reports that a woman stole a case of energy drinks, the responding officer reports the clerk said that a woman entered the store with a baby in a carriage and placed a case of energy drink in the carriage before making her way to the counter to engage him in conversation, the clerk said when he asked the woman if she was going to buy the case of drinks the woman put down a newspaper she was reading and left the store, the woman was not found in the area, the clerk said that although he does not know her name the woman is a regular customer, the store’s security video will be reviewed;
8:35 a.m.: larceny, Hampton Ponds Plaza, 1029 North Road, a caller reports property was stolen from outside a business overnight, the responding officer reports the owner of a new business said that he arrived at his store to find that 27 sets of shelves which had been left behind the business after they were washed had disappeared, the man said that the shelves are valued at $2,500;
10:27 a.m.: animal complaint, Shepard Street, an animal control officer reports she took custody of a dog which had been abandoned when residents moved out of a residence;
11:09 a.m.: breaking and entering, Pochassic Road, a resident came to the station to report that her vehicle was broken into July 6 and property was stolen, the responding officer reports the woman said that she attempted to report the crime on-line but found she had not succeeded when she came to the station to get a copy of the report, the woman said that her vehicle which she usually locks showed no signs of forcible entry on July 6 when she found it had been entered in her driveway and a wallet, a GPS device and a watch had been stolen , the woman said the there had been no activity on her credit cards when she called to report their loss, the woman also said that most of the contents of her wallet were found in the neighborhood;
11:25 a.m.: identity fraud, Elm Street, a resident came to the station to report that her daughter used her credit card without authority, the responding officer reports the woman said that she noticed a fraudulent charge on her statement, the case was referred to the financial crimes unit of the detective bureau.