Hi Everyone,
I can’t believe that it’s already December, it’s getting colder every day!
This week the state released its initial COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan with the hope that vaccine inoculations can begin as early as next week. The distribution timeline is divided into phases, and the first phase will prioritize health care workers and the most vulnerable residents in our communities. The vaccine will be free to all and insurers will not charge co-pays or out-ofpocket costs. These developments are really encouraging, but it’s important to remember that this is not going to be an immediate process. COVID-19 is just as dangerous today as it was
before this news, and we need to continue to wear masks and social distance so that we can get through this together. You can find out more about the vaccine distribution at Mass.gov/COVIDvaccine.
This past Monday, I hosted a Zoom forum with legislative colleagues and Commissioner Jane Ryder of the Department of Developmental Services. We discussed challenges that Adult Day Programs in our region are facing and how to improve communications and financial supports from DDS to these organizations. Tuesday night I joined the Holyoke Democratic City Committee for their virtual meeting honoring State Representative Vega as Democrat of the year.
Representative Vega has been an incredible advocate for Holyoke during his time as a legislator, and I was proud to speak about my friendship with him and our work together.
Wednesday and Thursday were full of meetings in the community. I joined Holyoke’s Public Safety Committee meeting Wednesday night and had another informative meeting with Southampton Town Administrator Ed Gibson on Thursday afternoon. On Wednesday I also met with Jay Kumar, the owner of Universal Plastics in Holyoke, to hear about challenges businesses like his have been facing.
After some legislative work and meetings with staff on Friday, I was glad to wrap up my day with Westfield community members at the Westfield Green for the City’s Chanukah Menorah Lighting Ceremony. The holiday season is my favorite part of the year, and it’s incredible to see all the ways our community comes together to celebrate, even during these difficult times.
This Saturday Army and Navy will play the 121st football game in their historic rivalry. One of my colleagues, Senator Mike Rush, is a Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy and we realized that this is the first time in modern history that the Senate has a sitting Senator enlisted in each of the branches. Considering this, we decided to make a friendly wager on the game: loser must post a video singing the opposing branch’s fight song. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to hearing Senator Rush’s beautiful rendition. For updates on our wager, feel free to visit my social media channels at @SenJohnVelis.
As always, if there is anything I can do to assist you, please never hesitate to reach out to my office. I can be reached at my email: [email protected] or by phone: (413) 572-3920 and you can find me online at senatorjohnvelis.com.
John C. Velis