WESTFIELD – Westfield Gas & Electric will be presented with the System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR) distinction from the American Public Gas Association on July 28 in Stowe, Vermont.
The SOAR distinction is meant to recognize excellence in operating natural gas utilities. The award is given to companies that are considered the best in the classes of system integrity, system improvement, employee safety, and work force development. There are three tiers of the award, labeled gold, silver, and bronze. Westfield Gas & Electric received the silver distinction.
“Westfield Gas and Electric was highly rated in all four areas that are required of SOAR and consistently demonstrates a commitment to providing natural gas safely and efficiently to all those in their community and as such, serves as a model for all other natural gas utilities in the country. APGA is proud to recognize Westfield Gas and Electric and is confident in their continued success,” said APGA President and CEO, Bert Kalisch.
Westfield Gas and Electric first received the award in 2014, the inaugural year of the program. It has held the status since then and remains as the only such company in New England to have won it. 22 other companies across the United States received the award this year. There are 750 APGA member companies in the country.
“This honor speaks to the dedication and high performance of our entire operation,” said General Manager Tony Contrino, “Westfield Gas and Electric strives to provide the very best services for our customers and continually support the community in which we live and work.”
The utility supervisor for WG&E, Patrick Levesque, said that the company has applied for the award every few years since it first came out. Levesque had a hand in writing the application.
“I would say that it is a tribute to us doing the right things and having the focus from the top of management to our employees to do things correctly and not take shortcuts,” said Levesque, “It enables us to fill out the application concisely and honestly.”
At the presentation of the award in Stowe, Vermont, representatives from WG&E will receive a plaque from the APGA. According to the APGA website, the plaque, “signifies their commitment to operational excellence.”