SOUTHWICK – The Southwick Rotary Club is hosting a “Float-In” concert featuring The Mac & Vinnie Band Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. on Congamond Lake’s South Pond.
The show will also be live streaming on Facebook and YouTube.

The Mac & Vinnie Band will perform a ‘float-in’ concert Sept. 9 on South Pond in Southwick. (MAC & VINNIE PHOTO)
Rotarian Robert Fox said Mac & Vinnie were slated to perform during the Rotary’s annual summer concert series, which serve as entertainment for the community and a source of fundraising for the Rotary. When the concerts were cancelled due to COVID-19, Michael McEleney, the Mac of Mac & Vinnie, offered to host the concert at his home on South Pond.
“Because of requirements for the number of people who can be at an event, we turned it into a float-in performance,” said Fox.
The band will perform on the shore at McEleney’s home and boaters can listen from the water.
“We’re limited on the number of people who can be on the shore, so between the band and Rotary members, that’s all that can be there,” said Fox. “But boaters can pull up and enjoy the show.”
Fox said even in the water, social distancing guidelines will be in place.
“There has to be a boat-length between each boat,” he said.
The Rotary will gladly accept donations, said Fox.
“We couldn’t have our spring tag sale, the summer concerts were cancelled, and it looks like we may not be having our steak dinner,” Fox said. “We lost a lot of fundraising opportunities.”
The Rotary uses its donations to benefit community organizations and scholarships.
Fox said the Rotary is planning a multi-family tag sale on Oct. 10, if approved by the Southwick Board of Health. Donations of items to sell can be dropped off at the Southwick Florist barn during business hours. A paper shredding event is also planned for Oct. 24.
Fox said the Float-In Concert is a way to bring back some fun.
“We are happy to be able to do something for the community,” said Fox.
The float-in rain date is Sept. 16.