SOUTHWICK — The Southwick Historical Society has amended its plans for this month’s lecture on Sept. 23, according to Patricia Odiorne, society treasurer.
“Our Southwick Historical Society Inc. board of directors has decided that, due to the spike in local COVID positive tests, it would be unwise to hold the potluck dinner,” said Odiorne.
This month’s program will begin at 7 p.m. featuring a lecture titled “The Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918” by Reba-Jean Shaw-Pichette, curator of the Shelburne Historical Society.
The gathering takes place in the Fellowship Hall at Christ Church United Methodist, 222 College Highway, Southwick.
“The similarities between COVID-19 to the Spanish flu will be enlightening,” said Odiorne.
There is no charge to attend the lecture, however, donations will be welcomed.
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