WESTFIELD – A city man died early Wednesday morning due to injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash on Montgomery Road.
A caller reported at 4:25 a.m. that a motorcycle had crashed into the rear of his black Ford pickup truck as he was backing out of his Montgomery Road driveway.
Another caller reported that a motorcycle operator lying in the road was in and out of consciousness. The caller said that the victim was not breathing but moments later said that he had begun breathing again. The caller reported that the man had severe injuries to his leg and arm.
However, firefighters who arrived with an ambulance ten minutes after the first call was received were unable to help the man who expired. The medical examiner’s office was notified and dispatched an examiner.
After the victim’s family was notified, he was identified as Justin Beaumier, 47, of 417 Root Road.
Montgomery Road was closed to traffic as officers from the city’s Traffic Bureau and a team from the State Police Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Section began their investigation into the crash. The road was reopened at 8:38 a.m.
Also responding to the crash scene was Assistant District Attorney Thomas Prendergast who, Capt. Michael McCabe said, will coordinate with city police. McCabe said no charges have been filed.