Southwick Select Board member Douglas Moglin, Chief Administrtaive Officer Karl Stinehart and Animal Control Officer Liz Bennett discuss the subject of a dog hearing Marc 2, 2020. (HOPE E. TREMBLAY/THE WESTFIELD NEWS)
SOUTHWICK – No decision has been made regarding Lido, a pitbull that nearly killed a neighboring border collie named Izzy, owned by Edward and Susan Moszynski, in a November 2019 incident on Berkshire Avenue.
On that day, Edward Moszynski brought Izzy out the front door for a walk when Lido, who was chained in the front yard, was able to get free and attacked Izzy. Lido’s owners Teresa Darosa and Karl Saunders came to Izzy’s rescue. Saunders grabbed Lido and the couple helped the Moszynkis get Izzy veterinary care.
The Moszynskis said they are grateful for the help and believe they saved Izzy’s life that day. However, they want something done so that Lido cannot hurt another animal or a human.
On March 2 a second hearing for the same incident took place during the Southwick Select Board meeting. The Board members serve as the authority in such matters. The first hearing was Jan. 28 and a second hearing was necessary because Animal Control Officer Liz Bennett had new information to introduce.
This week, Bennett brought forth more information on another incident involving Lido. In that incident, Lido got loose and broke through a screen door to get to a neighbor’s chihuahua, which was sitting on the porch at the time. The owner of the chihuahua attended the hearing this week and said his dog was also barking during the incident and he said he did pick up his dog immediately to keep it away from Lido.
However, he testified during the hearing that he did not believe Lido was dangerous and should not be put down or taken away from its family.
Lido was also involved in a 2018 incident with two other dogs and he bit one of the dogs, however the three dogs had been playing together and no person witnessed what happened.
Darosa said Lido is aggressive toward other dogs but has never shown aggression to a human. She described Lido as a loving animal who cuddles with children.
Susan Moszynskis said she and Izzy are both fearful of Lido and she is concerned that although Lido has not attacked a human, it could happen and she wants to prevent that, especially because she has young grandchildren.
Darosa said she was “remoseful” regarding the incident but said Lido has been with her since he was six-weeks old and she did not want him removed.
“I’m sorry my neighbors feel unsafe,” she said. “We’re going to do everything we can to make our property secure.”
Darosa said she and Saunders use training collars for both of their dogs and the day of the incident, Lido’s was charging. She committed to putting up fencing, has obtained a kennel and consulted with trainers. She stressed that he is not aggressive toward humans.
“Lido is classified as an emotional support animal,” Darosa said. “I’m not saying he can’t be aggressive, but he’s not people aggressive.”
Susan Moszynski said she believes the incident between Lido and Izzy “was inevitable.”
Selectman Douglas Moglin said presiding over dog hearings was the “worst” part of his job and all residents should be able to walk through town and feel safe.
“Anyone in town should be able to walk up and down in town without abject fear of being attacked by a dog,” Moglin said.
Moglin also said he believes Lido should not be outside the home without a tight leash until a decision is made.
Selectman Joseph Deedy said if an incident with a dog comes before the Board, it’s already too late.
“It sucks all around,” said Deedy. “I don’t think anyone here wants to kill a dog. But someone did something wrong along the way for us to be here today – it’s not just the dog.”
Bennett said there are multiple reasons for aggression.
“While it does have something to do with training, it’s also genetics,” she said.
Select Board Chair Russ Fox said he expects the board to make a decision during its March 10 meeting.