Contractors distribute 64-gallon trash containers to residents living along King Place in Westfield in 2014. The receptacles are now used for recyclable material pickup. (File Photo)
WESTFIELD – Department of Public Works Director David Billips continues to meet with area community leaders about the pending increase in recycling costs ahead of the city’s recycling contract deadline.
Billips said the group met last week, and will meet again this week, as the late January deadline for signing a three-year contract with the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) in Springfield looms nearer.
Billips said they are looking at two other options to see which is best for Westfield. He said no matter which option they choose, costs will be going up for the city.
“We’re going to have to come up with another $300,000 to $400,000 a year. That’s a lot of money,” Billips said.
Westfield did look into the possibility of tipping their recyclables at the Twiss Street Transfer Station facility, instead of transporting them directly to another facility, but they need a building to enclose them. He said they will continue to explore long-term options, such as whether to build at Twiss Street, or lease that facility.
Westfield is not considering returning to dual-stream recycling, a less costly option than single stream. The city began single stream recycling in January of 2015.
Billips said he has sent information to state Rep. John C. Velis, D-Westfield, who has been attending the meetings, and is working with his colleagues on the issue statewide.
“No matter what we do, we’re probably going to have to sign a three-year contract,” Billips said, adding that they will probably have the decision on which company to work with by next week.
Billips still is not sure how the city will cover the recycling fee hike.
“No decision has been made on how to cover increased costs,” Billips said.