Emergency Response and Crime Report
Monday, July 23, 2012
12:33 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Meadow Street at Frederick Street, a patrol officer reports his attention was drawn to a vehicle which made a U turn at Main and Meadow Street and he followed it to Meadow Street where he activated his cruiser’s take down lights, the officer reports the vehicle did not immediately stop but pulled into a driveway and parked so as to block the sidewalk, the officer reports the operator ran inside the residence despite his instructions to stop and he followed her inside telling her passenger to stay where he was, a resident denied that the woman was in the building but, under the doctrine of hot pursuit, the officer sought the suspect and found her hiding in a bath tub, the woman refused to identify herself but the officer knew her identity and she eventually admitted that she fled because she was the subject of outstanding warrants, the warrants were confirmed, Casondra M. Mattern, 27, of 143 Meadow St., was arrested for failure to stop for police, for being a motor vehicle operator who refuses to identify herself, for failure to yield at an intersection and on the two warrants, the officer found that the woman’s passenger had fled but he was found on North Cherry Street, the man said he barely knew the woman and was found to be in possession of marijuana, a city ordinance violation citation was filed;
1:55 a.m.: motor vehicle violation, Springfield Road, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating with only parking lights illuminated, the officer reports the vehicle was stopped and the operator said that he was not licensed, a check revealed three outstanding warrants, Louis E. Rodriguez, 21, of 165 Switzer Ave., Springfield, was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, for operating a motor vehicle without headlights and on the three warrants;
3:35 a.m.: suspicious person, Forest Avenue, a caller reports a described male party was seen inside his vehicle, the responding officer reports a resident said that her husband was driving in the area searching for the suspect, the resident returned and said that he had lost sight of the suspect, the man said his son awoke him after a person was seen in the driveway and that person fled when the resident investigated, nothing was found to be missing from the caller’s vehicle;
5:27 a.m.: breaking and entering, Southampton Road, a caller reports his vehicle was entered overnight and property was stolen, the responding officer reports the caller said between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. his vehicle was entered and a purse and a bag containing nursing supplies were stolen;
7:23 a.m.: breaking and entering, North Elm Street, a caller reports property was stolen from his vehicle, the responding officer reports the caller said that his vehicle, which he believes was locked, was entered between 8 p.m. and 8:15 a.m. and a purse and a GPS device were stolen;
7:34 a.m.: assist other agency, Turnpike Industrial Road, a caller from the Gas and Electric Light Department reports being locked out of a department vehicle, the responding firefighters report entry was made;
8:49 a.m.: found property, Main Street, a caller reports a girl’s pink bicycle has been left on her front lawn, the responding officer reports he had been aware of the bike and had transported it to the station for safe keeping;
8:51 a.m.: breaking and entering, Lockhouse Road, a caller reports her unlocked vehicle was broken into overnight, the responding officer reports the caller said that although the pickup truck was entered nothing was stolen;
9:40 a.m.: breaking and entering, Valley View Drive, Road, a caller reports her unlocked vehicle was broken into overnight, the responding officer reports the caller said that she saw a box under a tree in her yard and when she investigated she found it to be a box of cheese she keeps in her breezeway which is accessible through her garage, the woman said a neighbor advised her that his vehicle had been entered and she realized that a small amount of cash was missing from her vehicle which had been parked in her open garage;
11:56 a.m.; motor vehicle violation, North Road, a patrol officer reports he observed a vehicle operating at a high rate of speed and used radar to determine the vehicle was traveling at 63 mph in a 45 mph zone, the vehicle was stopped and the operator’s license was found to be suspended, Omar Perez. 27, of 18 Hampshire Heights, Northampton, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license and for speeding;
12:42 p.m.: found property, South Maple Street, a caller from South Maple Street business reports a customer left a change purse at the business and employees have not been able to contact her, the responding officer reports the purse was transported to the station where an officer was able to speak with owner and make arrangements to get the purse back to her;
2:31 p.m.: incapacitated person, Broad Street at Bliss Street, a caller reports a man with a cane appears to be passing out, the responding officer reports he observed obvious symptoms of alcohol intoxication, the man said that he lives in a supervised living situation and the officer found that he was not welcome there in an intoxicated state, the man was placed in protective custody;
2:58 p.m.: fraud, Fairfield Avenue, a resident came to the station to report fraudulent use of her debit card, the responding officer reports the woman said that her card was compromised when it was not immediately returned to her when she visited a zoo in Ohio, the case was referred to the financial crimes unit of the detective bureau;
3:02 p.m.: breaking and entering, Powder Mill Village, 126 Union St., a resident came to the station to report a past break in to her car, the respond officer reports the woman said that her unlocked car was entered late on July 3 or early July 4 while it as parked at the apartment complex, the victim said her wallet was stolen;
4:14 p.m.: larceny, Collins Street, a resident came to the station to report her wallet was stolen, the responding officer reports her wallet was last known to be in her possession while she was visiting a relative, the case was referred to the Detective Bureau;
5:05 p.m.: breaking and entering, East Main Street, a West Springfield resident came to the station to reports his vehicle was broken into at Westgate Plaza, the responding officer reports the victim said that he had parked his vehicle in the East Main Street plaza for about two hours and returned to find a duffle bag containing a computer, medication and clothing had been stolen, the officer reports the victim said that the vehicle was locked but reports that no signs of forcible entry were found;
6:22 p.m.: assault, Main Street, a caller reports a customer entered a Main Street business bleeding from the head and may have been assaulted, the responding officer reports the man said that he has been living in a wooded area near the dike at the end of Otis and Miller streets and was beset by a group of youths and one struck him with a beer bottle, the victim identified his assailant by his first name and was able to identify generally where he lived, the officer found a suspect who fit the victim’s description in the indicated area and the youth was positively identified by the victim, a juvenile boy was arrested for being delinquent by reason of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and for being delinquent by reason of assault and battery.