Selectman hopeful to host in-person meetings soon
SOUTHWICK – Chief Administrative Officer Karl Stinehart said June 2 that the town is inching closer to opening more businesses and Town Hall.
Stinehart said Town Hall staff is gearing up and he continues to work closely with Health Director Tammy Spencer and Building Inspector Arthur J. Lawler to get the building ready for the public and personnel.
“Arthur went in on Memorial Day to take measurements,” Stinehart said, noting they would be taping out lines six-feet apart in some areas, posting signage and adding plexiglass screens in some offices.
“For the time being, we’re working online, over the phone and offering curbside services with different departments,” Stinehart said.
Select Board Chair Russell Fox said during the Board’s zoom meeting Tuesday that he, too, has spoken with Spencer.
‘She is hopeful we could look at opening the lobby after the election,” Fox said.
Town elections are slated for June 9 in the Senior center in Town Hall.
Fox also said he hopes the Board can soon meet in Town Hall in person.
“I think in the next couple of weeks we’ll be ready for it,” he said.