
To the Editor: Democratic Party

It is hard to understand how a person can be a Democrat today, and vote Democratic, for the following reasons:

* The Party is supporting and pushing legislation for the most evil thing in the history of our nation, FULL TERM ABORTION and INFANTICIDE. The killing of beautiful, innocent, helpless children. This alone is reflective of how low the Party has become today.

* A Party without God. A Party that is anti-Christian, especially anti-Catholic, and anti-Semitic. A Party that is anti-Israel, one of our most loyal and supportive nations in the world.

* A Party for open borders that would allow anarchy to rule and threaten the very sovereignty of our nation. This also places our citizens, and country in grave danger. (It is possible to have compassion for others, yet have rules and laws concerning immigration….they are NOT mutually exclusive.)

* A Party that is pushing for Socialism, using the lure of “free stuff” to attract and fool people into placing our country and people into the depths of an ideology that has failed over and over, and placed citizens into a state of oppression and poverty. Look at the many failed examples and history for God’s sake!

* A Party with a track record of USING minorities, and placing them in a state of constant dependency and victimization, while fooling them for their vote. Black voters are waking up to this fact, so the Party is now pushing for “Reparation” for the history of slavery…..as if the loss of 620,000 soldiers lives were not reparation enough during the U. S. Civil War to end slavery.

* A Party so desperate for votes that the leadership today wants serious murderers, rapists, terrorists, and other hardened criminals in prison to have the right to vote from prison!

* A Party that wants to place your healthcare FULLY into the hands of the federal government, as one of the major steps to control ALL aspects of your lives. People do not seem to realize that Obamacare was designed to treat ONLY those who are “most productive to society with expensive medical treatment”.  As Obamacare was to take hold, the design to deny senior citizens expensive, life saving, treatment was going to take place. Were you listening as Obama said….”WE may have to give Grandma a pill”? His chief adviser on Obamacare, Ezekiel Emmanuel, said publicly and in writing, that people should die at age 75.

The environment IS extremely important! But NOT the way the Party tries to scare the American people into driving our country into a globalist, money grabbing, black hole, that would destroy our economy, jobs, and our standard of living. The new “Green Dream”, or whatever they are calling it, would waste trillions, upon trillions of dollars while accomplishing little for the environment, and is impractical, if not impossible, to accomplish. Yet here again, there is a logical, step by step, plan that can be accomplished while continuing to improve the environment while keeping our economy strong and preserving our standard of living. Also, please keep in mind, that one of the underlying schemes concerning the environment by the globalists is to take down America, bring us to a state of ruin. Never forget their ulterior motive.

* A success for the Party today, is to do something that is anti-Trump….NOT do what is good for our country. I hope that you have realized that by now. It should be crystal clear to you.

* The Party today does not have much use for our Constitution as per our Founders, and believes it should be constantly changed to meet the ever changing society today. They have also repeatedly ignored the separation of powers and attempted to use the judicial branch to make laws circumventing the legislative branch. They also want to remove the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, and take this away from law abiding citizens.

* The Party has repeatedly attempted to destroy good people for political advantage….ruin good people and their families. “Bearing false witness”, in violation of the 10 Commandments means nothing to them. If you don’t believe in God in the first place, why should it?!

* The Party, and those high in government, attempted to fix a Presidential election…and then when the result wasn’t to their liking, they continued committing MAJOR felonies in trying to remove a duly elected President. For the last 2 1/2 years their goals, efforts, and all attention has been focused solely on undermining, blocking, and obstructing the President, ignoring totally what is good for our country.

There is more, MUCH more. But sadly, what has been said above about the Democratic Party today is all true.

I URGE good Democrats NOT to support the Party today, to THINK, act, and vote accordingly for what is good for America. We are at the crossroads. SAVE OUR NATION!

Al DiLascia

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